الثلاثاء، 17 أغسطس 2010

Applied Linguistics ....

G. Richard Tucker ...

History of Applied Linguistics.. ؟؟؟

The term 'applied linguistics' refers to a broad range of activities which involve solving some language-related problem or addressing some language-related concern. It appears as though applied linguistics, at least in North America, was first officially recognized as an independent course at the University of Michigan in 1946. In those early days, the term was used both in the United States and in Great Britain to refer to applying a so-called 'scientific approach' to teaching foreign languages, including English for nonnative speakers. Early work to improve the quality of foreign language teaching by Professors Charles Fries (University of Michigan) and Robert Lado (University of Michigan, then Georgetown University) helped to bring definition to the field as did the 1948 publication of a new journal, Language Learning: A Quarterly Journal of Applied Linguistics.

During the late 1950s and the early 1960s, the use of the term was gradually broadened to include what was then referred to as 'automatic translation'. In 1964 following two years of preparatory work financed by the Council of Europe, the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (the International Association of Applied Linguistics usually referred to by the French acronym AILA) was founded and its first international congress was held in Nancy, France. Papers for the congress were solicited in two distinct strands—foreign language teaching and automatic translation

AppliedLinguistics Today...؟؟؟

Over the intervening years, the foci of attention have continued to broaden. Today the governing board of AILA describes applied linguistics 'as a means to help solve specific problems in society…applied linguistics focuses on the numerous and complex areas in society in which language plays a role.'* There appears to be consensus that the goal is to apply the findings and the techniques from research in linguistics and related disciplines to solve practical problems. To an observer, the most notable change in applied linguistics has been its rapid growth as an interdisciplinary field. In addition to foreign language teaching and machine translation, a partial sampling of issues considered central to the field of applied linguistics today includes topics such as language for special purposes (e.g. language and communication problems related to aviation, language disorders, law, medicine, science), language policy and planning, and language and literacy issues. For example, following the adoption of English as the working language for all international flight communication by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), some applied linguists concerned themselves with understanding the kinds of linguistic problems that occur when pilots or flight engineers from varying backgrounds communicate using a nonnative language and how to better train them to communicate in English more effectively
Some applied linguists are concerned with helping planners and legislators in countries develop and implement a language policy (e.g. planners are working in South Africa to specify and to further develop roles in education and government not only for English and Afrikaans but also for the other nine indigenous languages) or in helping groups develop scripts, materials, and literacy programs for previously unwritten languages (e.g. for many of the 850+ indigenous languages of Papua New Guinea).
Other applied linguists have been concerned with developing the most effective programs possible to help adult newcomers to the United States or other countries, many of whom have limited if any prior education, develop literacy in the languages which they will need for survival and for occupational purposes. Other topics currently of concern to applied linguists are the broad issue of the optimal role of the mother tongue in the education of culturally and linguistically diverse students, the language of persuasion and politics, developing effective tools and programs for interpretation and translation, and language testing and evaluation.
In the United Kingdom, the first school of applied linguistics is thought to have opened in 1957 at the University of Edinburgh with Ian Catford as Head. In the United States, a nonprofit educational organization, the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), was founded in 1959 with Charles Ferguson as its first Director. CAL's mission remains to 'promote the study of language and to assist people in achieving their educational, occupational, and social goals through more effective communication'. The organization carries out its mission by collecting and disseminating information through various clearinghouses that it operates, by conducting practical research, by developing practical materials and training individuals such as teachers, administrators, or other human resource specialists to use these to reduce the barriers that limited language proficiency can pose for culturally and linguistically diverse individuals as they seek full and effective participation in educational or occupational opportunities

Organizations .. ؟؟؟

In addition to the international organization AILA, there are also major national associations of applied linguists such as the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL). The work of applied linguists is frequently presented or described in publications such as the journal Applied Linguistics (Oxford University Press) and the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Cambridge University Press).

*AILA Vademecum. Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée. Amsterdam, 1992, p. 2.

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الجمعة، 13 أغسطس 2010

principlesof language learning and teaching


There is an explosion Gnostic watchers noticed the movement of writing and scientific research in the field of learning and teaching, both in the theoretical field or area of application. With all that has been prepared in terms of amount or method, the expert Native American Brown acknowledges in his introduction that we are still very far from access to the complete answer for a lot of tough questions posed on the table, and this prompted the author to exclude provide definitive solutions in the matter.

And adopt a plan book «the principles of learning and teaching» through chapters on building background knowledge gradually lead to the clarification of an integrated holistic process of learning, education and theoretical foundations that shed light on language acquisition. And out-book reader very useful expansion of the horizon and its approach to data Art Teaching Language pedagogy, and even though he was addressing those involved in teaching English, but on further address the educators and those interested in teaching languages in general; because there are common denominators in the technical foundations and educational links between them.

Comes the first chapter of the book on the Native Language, and Learning Learning, Education Teaching, and the author points out that when one makes an effort to Italm a second language, it will come to a new culture, a new cuulture, and a new way of thinking, emotions and lifestyle, will be affected by his personality transformation. Mr. Brown acknowledges that this learning process is a complex process involving many factors difficult counted, and lists a range of important questions in the hands of his research concerning the types of strategies and methods used by the learner and the mental, psychological and physical that contribute to success in language learning. And then moves to attempt to provide an appropriate definition of the language, and perhaps the best definition of the total reported by the many definitions:

That language is an organized means to communicate ideas and feelings using signals or sounds accepted.

The author made me the elements of language and reasoned that an understanding of the elements of language will control much in the way that language learning, and identified education as a guide and enable the learner to acquire knowledge and skills and provide the conditions appropriate to do so. And declares Mr. Brown that the chapters of the book does not aim to present a theory of education, but is designed to display the most important elements that lead in a phased manner to the formation of such a theory, then spoke about the relationship of inter-Psychology, Psychology and Linguistics, Linguistics, and that the understanding of science to help serve as an indicator revolve around knowledge of specialized information in learning and teaching. He says: «In fact, the remarkable parallels between psychology and linguistics is not unusual; because of their strong relationship and their link with the exact». After that displays part of the scientific theories in the science of language to say: «This nature sequence of theories make it difficult to say that this theory or that right or wrong, but it became impossible to refute the theory that question the theory of the other;, because each one of these theories include something of the truth ».

The author focuses on introducing the teaching methods that things will remain abstract theories and have no benefit if they are not in the form of teaching methods in the classroom. It should be noted that the best way to teach are those reached by studies by the examiner and the formation of specific concepts of exposure to different methods, and through experimentation, revision and restructuring. The author recognizes that this responsibility seems difficult, and there is no ready-made solutions or quick and easy ways to ensure success.

Speaks of Mr. Brown in the second quarter on the acquisition of first language First Language Acquisition: has benefited researchers from the analysis of the child's language in an orderly manner in an attempt to discover the nature of the process, psychological and language that enables the human to control this complex system of communication, and then view the theories of language acquisition first, and perhaps most notably behavioral theory Behavioristic Theory, dealing with aspects of the perceived linguistic behavior and responses to the note, and the relationship of these responses to events around us, and when they are promoting a certain response becomes a habit or is frequent, and therefore result in the child language responses that have been strengthened. The theory Nativist Theory, which assumes that language acquisition is innate, and each one of us is born has a configuration tool for the acquisition of language and perception in an orderly manner, resulting in the construction of containers full of the language.

The author deals with some knowledge of a statement relating to the production of language There is a difference between capacity and performance, Valmekdrp Competence, knowledge is implicit linguistic system, and the Performance Per Formance, is the process of actual production to speak, write and understand, as the difference between absorption and production. Children understand more than they are able to produce them, and spoke about the close relationship between language development and intellectual development, and discussed the statement, which argues that all language imposed on Tdtha certain vision of the world, and that simulation is one of the most important ways used by the child in the acquisition of language.

Research has shown that the Scientific repeating audio style and a clear and distinct in the early education of language acquisition, sounds, and the fact that the early stages of the child may be a lot of simulation surface; because the child has not yet been able to acquire the necessary capacity to link the meanings words and phrases, but the children with the passage of time and understand the level of the meanings in the language they start to focus a lot of their attention on the level of the deep structure of the language of Deep Structure.

The Mr. Brown that until an acquisition successful first language to be a contact language, and not mere exposure to language, children do not learn from just listening to the words of others, but because they are part of the event of language itself, where is to talk to them and respond to the ocean around them.

And had Mr. Brown in the third quarter compared between the acquisition of language first, second and referred to the hypothesis of «critical period» of human life, The Critical Perlod, a period of physiological specific growth in human life, and in which language acquisition easy, and to overcome this period, language is more difficult He pointed to the considerations neurological Neurological Consideration, flexibility of the brain and Toaith before puberty to enable children to acquire the first language, no wonder to see them acquire spoken true like pronunciation of native speakers Native Speakers, while adults can usually do so; because pronunciation involves control a lot of muscle. The scientist pointed language Oozbil that adults who learn a second language can benefit from the explanation of grammar and a method for deductive reasoning Deductive Thinking, which is useless for the child, and noted that children learn well the languages of seconds without the benefit of practical thinking Operationl Thinking, which focuses on the conservation rules and replication, and rehearsed, and the reason for this is that children learn in the context of a natural sense, while it is not as well as for large, out author outcome of value in the scope of education says: that it was important that the sentences or paragraphs of meaning, and then seems to be the contact comes in the context has meaning is the best exercise can be attended by the learner.

Provision Professor Brown Chapter IV of the Humane Education Human Learning and that the processes of perception and governance and to identify and remember key processes in order to understand the language and spoke of the behavioral school of modern Neobehavioism and dean Skinner, who believed that the boosters Stimuli, which track the response Response, and tend to strengthen the behavior constitute an important factor in controlling human behavior, and criticizing Mr. Brown, the school says: «We look to the side which believes that human behavior is predictable and controlled, study scientific methods, and did not look to the side which believes that human behavior has the nature of the abstract, composed of a very complicated place it in a very difficult ».

Then displays the theory of the world Oozbil cognitive learning Ausbell Learning Theory, as it believed that learning in humans occurs through a meaningful process is to link the events of new concepts of knowledge already existing, and spoke about the nature of oblivion, and noted that the loss of orientation fusion towards a culture of the target language may contribute to a forgotten, and spoke about the importance of education aimed at the molecules associated with it college, which ultimately leads to effective learning and produces a memory.

And the separation of Mr. Brown's School Rodzr Humanitarian Psychology Humanistic Psychology Rogrs, which focuses on the emotional rather than the cognitive aspect, and pointed to the importance of enabling environment, empowerment of learning is not only the creation of personal relationships distinguished between teacher and student, Vrogerz not interested in the process of mental to learn as much interest in conditions associated with learning, believes that is formatted in an appropriate manner to ensure that a person knows everything it needs. And criticizing Mr. Brown's theory of Rogers that the teacher may find himself tempted to use indirect methods to enable students to discover the facts for themselves, leading to loss of time, has become a warm educational environment permissive to the point where you go to learn the necessary pressure. However, the teachers be encouraged to create a suitable environment for learning, and to give up on the filling of the minds of students with information, because this might lead to the student finds himself compelled to learn the defense Defensive learing, which defend itself against failure and possible punishment.

The foregoing, we conclude that there is no valid theory of each mode of language learning situations, the responsibility of the guide is to use his intuition and his nature to adopt the best methods, and must ultimately be able to reach the understanding of how the integrated value of each theory.

The fifth chapter was on the Variations of knowledge in learning Cognitive Variations In Language Learing and talked about the impact of overlapping language of origin - call it the mother - to learn a second language - and calls it targeted - and noted that the education of the original may be transmitted to the second in a positive way, here's to benefit the learner to overlap The effects will be, the difference between the method told UPI in the acquisition of language and style reflective and talked about learning strategies, and decided that the teacher must not abandon his attempts to introduce students to ways and means to help him deal with the language and gain an effective manner.

Spoke of Mr. Brown in Chapter VI of factors, personal personality Factors, and noted the importance of learning the student something of the culture II The target culture, when the acquisition of language, and finds that self-language adaptable to enable learners to reduce the barriers that may prevent success and points to the impact of risk Risk Taking in learning, and if not run the risk of saying phrase to make sure it will be very validity and completeness will proceed speakers at large, and disability or the establishment of the defensive about ourselves may abort the learning Hence, the risk is necessary for successful learning, and then shall the learner to venture and guess and assume the error, and that anxiety has a role in emotional language acquisition where the learner makes vigilant cautious, hence the feelings of nervousness before delivering a sermon index of concern plugin. He noted Mr. Brown to the importance of social openness in the learning process did not give that any of extroversion or introversion help or hinder language acquisition, and refers to the knowledge of the cultural aspect of the community of language, hence it is incumbent on teachers understand cultural norms when their rating of negative students assumed in the classroom, for example, American society does not see much talk in the classroom is inappropriate. He noted Mr. Brown to understand the elements of personal and accommodate individual differences between students and studies have found that motivation is the key to learning, and task the author between the profit motive that leads to the acquisition of language to use, and motivation fusion, which is used when the wish learners to integrate into society and culture of the second language, and noted the importance of the interaction between members of the group during the study of good relations, because the emotional relationship between teacher and learners lead to the abolition of defense education.

The Chapter VII to monitor the social and cultural factors sociocultural factors and emphasizes that learners of second language need to understand cultural differences and we must learn to respect the humanity of every person and report whatever the culture, and cited author's summary of some studies Vafrenc is Palmarafip and the American is dynamic, and Spanish is Balojdanip, and all this important to understand the process of acculturation ration Account when you connect to language acquisition, and studied what he called the distance social, a convergence of cognitive and emotional of the two cultures connected, and made some assumptions that the greater the social distance between two cultures, increased difficulty of learning a second language, and presentation of Mr. Brown for some teaching methods and concluded that it was not may give everything to our students on a silver platter, but must feed our activities teaching Alakchave doses of learning, and reduce the time occupied by the teacher to speak, and give students the opportunity to replace some of the things themselves.

The author talked about in Chapter VIII of Applied Linguistics and Contrastive Analysis contrastive analysis and noted researcher Corder, who noted that Applied Language users and the consumer is not a product of the theories, and cited the words of Lakoff's theory that the applications are separated from the theory is questionable. Brown pointed to the types as analytical, educational, and pointed to some applications quarterly based on the principle: The sequence of events the simple language to facilitate retaining learners with language and learning, and memory were gaining strength, if raised and linked activities Kinetic «The teacher is the director the play, which represented students».

And look how to respond physically active at lower levels, and perhaps the attraction of this method lies in making the dramatic nature of the language learning process, he pointed to the doctrine of natural language acquisition is aimed at learning the language, and noted naturalist in Ackstab language and aims to learn the skills of personal contact with any contact in attitudes Kalmhadtp language daily, shopping, and be a teacher's primary function in this doctrine to provide input to the language easy to understand.

Chapter IX is on the interventions of language, about learning of human-driven process to make mistakes, assumptions, inappropriate, and this constitutes a whole is an important aspect in the acquisition of any skill, and talk about what he called Balajtnab a communications strategy to be used with learners and means to avoid some of the vocabulary or grammar when expressing the meaning of particular, and explain the term «ossification» Fossilization a permanent use of the form of language is wrong, and the importance of positive feedback in the cognitive domain, in order to get the learner to the conclusion that the linguistic forms used by the right, but a lot of feedback knowledge characterized as positive, such as ready the teacher to turn a consideration and tolerance for mistakes and give the impression that this concept is in fact did not understand, that have much nourishment to strengthen the learner's errors, the result is the continuation of errors and the possibility of Thjrha.

Brown explains in the final chapters on the communicative ability and functions of language and the importance of context in the achievement of communication, referred to the levels of speech and the teaching of language skills, and then spoke of the language tests and types. He concluded his studies seriously what he called prospect theory Theoretical perspectives and focused on the practice of use of the conscious and intelligent of the doctrines of choice, guided by the theory of integrated second language acquisition, and called for linking the teaching of communication to be the natural language and functional are taught in the classroom.

The Author of the curriculum to end each chapter of the book, topics and questions for study and discussion as to enrich this chapter, and was followed by selected readings, which directs the student to the elite of the scientific research going in the direction of this chapter. In fact, the book refers to the attention of school American Educational methods teaching, as it was full of hundreds of substantive work to overcome obstacles and expand the horizons, and can benefit the Arab reader of the book Brown to be an incentive for him to provide the safeguard his Arabic and served by the service right